Sunday, December 22, 2019

Android Edittext Lose Focus On Hide Keyboard

Android :: android - edittext and button - when click button - unfocus edittext and hide soft keyboard android :: want to get edittext data / when user clicks on soft keyboard enter key android :: configure an edittext's soft keyboard to use numbers initially - but still allow text. Hey guys, i have a problem because i have a edittext that takes a login, but when i enter the field, it wont lose focus. is this normal ? i found something about the inputmethodmanager.. When you touch an edittext field in android then it will open default virtual keyboard, but suppose you want to hide that virtual keyboard when you touch outside of edittext, then it will not be hidden default, so you can use following code to hide virtual keyboard when touch outside edittext in android.

I am creating a custom edittext class because i need to set some custom fonts; however now when i click on the edittext the android keyboard does not pop up anymore.... Android: edittext in listview lose focus when the soft keyboard appears problem: using (numeric) edittext in listview 1. tab on a edittext field this is probably what is happening now when you hide the keyboard, getview is called again and reset the original value in the edittext.. Choosing the input type configures the keyboard type that is shown, acceptable characters, and appearance of the edit text. for example, if you want to accept a secret number, like a unique pin or serial number, you can set inputtype to "numericpassword"..

android edittext lose focus on hide keyboard

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